Alumria Announces Suppliers Are FDA Certified

Alumria Announces Suppliers Are FDA Certified

PRESS RELEASE - Today Alumria Inc., the premier global beauty brand, announces product certifications by our suppliers. The company officially announces that all of Alumria’s makeup and skincare suppliers are FDA Certified. Additionally, the company announces all facilities also meet Health Canada requirements and follow EU and UK compliance regulations.

"Our customers want peace of mind when buying makeup and skincare, and since our products are sourced in North America at FDA-Certified approved facilities, customers can rest assured about Alumria quality," said Paul Telles, Founder and CEO of Alumria, Inc.

About FDA, Health Canada, EU & UK Compliance
The FDA is the Food & Drug Administration, the agency in the USA that regulates the beauty industry to ensure we are using the proper ingredients and formulations for our makeup and skincare products. This ensures customer safety and product integrity. Health Canada is the regulatory agency in Canada, where most of Alumria products are produced, so customers can rest assured to product quality and safety.

About Alumria, Inc.
Sold worldwide, Alumria is the premier global beauty brand, offering makeup and skincare products for all skin types and tones. For more product information, visit the company website at

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